Thermal disinfection of cooling lubricants and process fluids

Anyone who works with cooling lubricant knows the problem: You come into the production hall and it "stinks to high heaven" because the cooling lubricant has tipped.

To prevent this, fungi and bacteria in the cooling lubricant must be actively controlled. This is where our method of thermal disinfection comes in: The building blocks of fungi and bacteria - proteins - are destroyed at temperatures of approx. 62-63°C.

With thermal disinfection, the fungi and bacteria are destroyed. Specifically, process fluids such as cooling lubricants (emulsions or drilling waters) or synthetic cooling waters are heated to approx. 65°C and germs thus killed - without chemicals, without biocides, without health hazards, without machine downtime, but with considerable cost advantages.

Your advantages

  • Service life of the cooling lubricant tends to be extended considerably; thus
  • Lower costs for procurement and disposal of the cooling lubricant and
  • Less downtime for changing the cooling lubricant
  • No chemicals and no biocides; therefore
  • Reduced costs for chemicals and service providers, and also
  • Fewer health risks and higher occupational safety for your employees.
  • Also, no machine downtime, as the thermal disinfection works in bypass mode, i.e. the machine tool works in the front, the disinfection works in the back.

You can find out why this is so in the technical article. You can see how successful this is on the basis of these charts, and calculate your amortisation period here. Call us for more information or for a free demonstration at your premises: +49-711-518 0600.

Corona News-Flash

In the event of a temporary plant shutdown, cooling lubricants can also be preserved for longer downtimes with thermal disinfection - saving you costs for procurement and disposal. And you can continue production afterwards instead of having to first replace the emulsion of your machine tool.

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