Parts cleaning in the metal working and tooling industry

Cleaning the inside of bore holes


Cleaning a bore from the inside is often a particular challenge with conventional cleaning methods such as washing machines, cold wash basins or ultrasonic cleaning, as dirt cannot be effectively removed from the bottom of deep blind holes or from internal threads. The problem is even more acute with small diameters.

In practice, it is usually necessary to clean off chips, oils, drawing greases and cooling lubricants from machining without leaving any residue. Especially in maintenance, oily contamination often has to be removed from boreholes, internal threads or cavities.



Often the corresponding bores or workpieces are cleaned with solvent-based chemicals on cold wash tables. This method is laborious, tedious and does not produce reliable results.

In addition, the solvent-based chemicals are expensive and detrimental to the environment, and harmful aerosols are formed.

Reinigung einer Bohrung in einer Welle
Reinigung einer Bohrung in einer Welle


Here, low-pressure hot cleaning technology offers a simple, cost-effective and highly flexible alternative. The devices work with low pressure (from 3 to 7.5 or up to 14 bar) and high water temperature (up to 95°C). Thanks to the low pressure, parts are not damaged and the process can be used in the workshop without harming people or the environment.

The cleaning effect results primarily from the high temperature. The combination of high temperature and low pressure together with the right tools allows to clean and rinse blind holes down to the bottom, internal threads and even cavities quickly, efficiently and without residues.

In most cases, (expensive and environmentally harmful) chemicals can be dispensed with, as the cleaning effect is achieved via the high temperatures.

Flexible nozzles and various lances are available for the internal cleaning of bores. With the flexible nozzles from a diameter of 2.5 mm and in almost any length, even sensitive components with curvatures or narrow passages in the interior can be cleaned. Thin bores can be rinsed out with needle nozzles.

Of course, the process is also suitable for cleaning the outside of the components. Larger and heavier parts can be cleaned on stationary collectors, whereby the cleaning medium can be circulated via our special recycling process and thus reused.

In addition to process-related parts cleaning, the cleaning devices can also be used in maintenance and for machine upkeep. Particularly worth mentioning is the possibility of cleaning machine tools directly with the cooling lubricant of the machine tool.

Reinigung einer Bohrung in einer Welle - Detail
Reinigung einer Bohrung in einer Welle - Detail


  • Efficiency/quality: Fast and thorough cleaning, especially of greasy and oily contamination. With the right spray accessories, problem-free cleaning of demanding shapes, such as internal threads and thin and deep bores down to the bottom.
  • Costs: Considerable time savings compared to conventional methods, especially cold wash tables; at the same time often considerably more efficient than e.g. washing machines and cheaper than ultrasound.
  • Automation: Easy integration into semi- or fully-automated production processes.
  • Mobility: On-site cleaning – devices are mobile and generally self-sufficient.
  • Occupational safety and environmental protection, chemicals: No or only very few chemicals are required; this protects the environment, increases occupational safety and reduces costs.
  • Universal application of hot cleaning devices: These can also be used for maintenance and servicing, or for cleaning machines and parts.
  • Economics: Significantly less cleaning time, no or hardly any chemicals.
  • Overall: Comparatively low investment and hardly any running costs, but high efficiency and top quality.



  • On the subject of internal cleaning: Application report Cleaning complex cast bodies
  • Video Lüttge brass instruments (trumpets)
hydraulic, hydraulic parts, hydraulic cylinder, hydraulic systems, clean, wash, clean oil
Hydraulic cylinder - inside cleaned with low pressure hot cleaning system
Cleaning electric motors


The cleaning of electric motors requires fast, damage-free and complete cleaning, often for inspection or repair. Oily windings, dirty end shields, rotors, bearing covers, etc. are cleaned.

In precision mechanics, in summer or at high outside temperatures, care must be taken to ensure that the cooling fins of the electric motors (and, if applicable, the heat exchangers) on the machine tools are dust-free and properly cleaned. Otherwise, the cooling system will not be effective, the bath temperature cannot be kept constant, and trouble-free operation cannot be ascertained.


For the cleaning of electric motors - typically from 1 to 100 KW - our low-pressure hot cleaning devices provide an ideal alternative to the common methods, especially the frequently used A1 brake cleaners, cold wash tables or bio-wash tables.

Due to the high temperatures - the devices operate at up to 95°C - the typical oily soiling is ideally removed, and due to the low pressure it is transported away without causing any damage.

This solution is also considerably more cost-effective than the alternatives, as cleaning is much faster and more thorough. This saves a considerable amount of expensive working time - our customers regularly need 80-90% less time.

Expensive chemicals are also saved, as our cleaning equipment usually does not require the use of chemicals. If chemicals are used, they are diluted to a high degree and can be reused several times thanks to our patented recycling process, which reduces costs even further.

Obviously, not using chemicals also protects the environment and employee health, and it increases occupational safety for employees.

Finally, the ease of handling the devices is also much appreciated: Since the hot cleaning devices are mobile, motors – as well as any other engines or parts - can be cleaned directly on site, without disassembly and without travel time. If disassembly is nevertheless necessary, the motors can be cleaned quickly, thoroughly and effortlessly in the parts cleaning collectors of the SR devices.

Electric motor, engine, flour, flour dust, contaminated, clean, bakery, industrial bakery
Electric motor with flour dust


  • Efficiency/quality: Fast and thorough cleaning, especially of greasy and oily contaminations. No damage to the motor or winding of the slot insulations, as work is carried out at low pressure.
  • Optimum accessibility thanks to diverse nozzles, even in cooling fins and bores.
  • Working time: Considerable time savings - usually 80-90% - compared to conventional methods, especially cold wash table or bio-wash table.
  • Chemicals: No/low use of cleaning agents, especially no hydrocarbons. This results in significantly lower costs for chemicals.
  • Recycling of the cleaning medium reduces costs by a further factor of 5-20, depending on the degree of contamination.
  • Mobility: Cleaning on site – devices are mobile and largely self-sufficient.
  • No special environmental conditions are required as with high pressure - thus significantly lower investment and much simpler handling.
  • Occupational safety and environmental protection: No or very few solvents or chemicals are required; this protects the environment, increases occupational safety and reduces costs.
  • Universal application of hot cleaning equipment: Devices can be used for multitude of maintenance and servicing jobs, or for cleaning machine tools and parts.
  • Overall: Comparatively low investment and hardly any running costs, but high efficiency and top quality results.
Cleaning an electric motor for cooling coolant lubricant with the machine's own coolant lubricant
Cleaning electric motors for cooling lubricants: Cleaning is done with cooling lubricant when machine tool is in operation, or with water and low-dose alkaline cleaner.
Cleaning heat exchangers


Heat exchangers or coolers are used in a wide variety of areas. In general, they help to save energy or to cool or heat air or gas. In the metalworking or machining industry, they are often used to cool the cooling lubricants in precision mechanical applications.

Heat exchangers are offered in a wide variety of designs, e.g. as:

  • Water coolers
  • Air charge coolers
  • Fuel coolers
  • Engine oil coolers
  • Transmission oil coolers
  • Condensers
  • Evaporators
  • Cooling networks
  • Air conditioning systems etc.

to name but a few of the most common applications.

Low pressure hot cleaning – cleaning a heat exchanger, before and after cleaning
Low pressure hot cleaning – before and after cleaning
heat exchanger, clean heat exchanger, heat exchanger de-mounted, subway, tramway, metro, trains, wagon, public transport
Cleaning a heat exchanger directly under a tramway waggon


Heat exchangers require large surfaces to equalise the temperature between cold and hot media. This is achieved by very fine fins or lamellae.

The cleaning of these lamellae must be fast, efficient and damage-free. The cleaning process must have a sufficient rinsing effect to reach between the fins. At the same time, it must not produce too high pressures in order not to bend and damage the thin and sensitive lamellae.

This means that familiar systems such as cold wash tables or high-pressure cleaners cannot normally be used. Caution is also required when applying chemical cleaners, as the materials used are often made of aluminium or copper.

Therefore, top loaders (washing machines) or ultrasonic baths are often used. But the former often only reach the inside of the heat exchangers insufficiently, the latter are expensive and require a lot of time.

In any case, the heat exchangers have to be removed and reinstalled, coded and transported to and from the cleaning plant, which is also very time consuming.


Low-pressure hot cleaning, on the other hand, offers a gentle and cost-effective alternative: Even fine lamellae are reached and can be cleaned without damage at a low pressure of up to 7.5 bar. At the same time, the high working temperature of 95°C ensures efficient and fast cleaning.

With the right nozzles, cleaning can also be carried out between the plates and slats. If necessary, an alkaline or acidic cleaner can be added at a low dosage.

Dirt is removed and transported away with low pressure and low water consumption, and the process water can be recycled in the unit using a special recycling process. This reduces disposal costs and protects the environment.

Another advantage is that even large and unwieldy heat exchangers can be cleaned on site, as the ph-cleantec units are mobile and self-sufficient due to their tanks. This saves time by eliminating assembly and travel times, and is efficient because the heat exchangers can be directly reinstalled instead of being sent in and/or centrally cleaned.

Cleaning a large heat exchanger in wet painting cabin
Cleaning a large heat exchanger on site, using low-pressure hot cleaning method


  • Efficiency/quality: Fast and thorough cleaning, especially of oily contamination, due to the high working temperature of up to 95°C. With the right nozzles, cleaning between the plates or lamellae is also easy.
  • No damage: Thanks to the low pressure, even fragile parts such as the lamellae are not damaged.
  • Mobility: Cleaning on site - the units are mobile and self-sufficient - saves travelling and reloading times.
  • Occupational safety and environmental protection/chemicals: Very few chemicals, if any, are needed; this protects the environment, increases occupational safety and reduces costs.
  • Economic efficiency: Significantly less working time for cleaning, as well as for travel and reloading times; fewer chemicals.
  • Universal applicability of the hot cleaning devices: These can be used for maintenance and servicing or for cleaning machines and parts.
  • Overall: Comparatively low investment and hardly any running costs, but high efficiency, excellent quality, and no damage.

Cleaning of an air conditioning filter

Cleaning filters

Cleaning separators


Separators are used in the machining industry for the treatment and cleaning of cooling lubricants or emulsions, washing water and oil-water mixtures in general.

  • The internal parts of the separators must be cleaned regularly.
  • Cleaning should be fast, efficient and damage-free.
  • Some of the components are nano-coated to ensure a higher dirt repellency.
  • The nano-coated components cannot be treated with coarse cleaning methods.
Separator nano-coated
Separators need to be cleaned regularly and without being damaged


  • Low-pressure hot cleaning units operate at 7.5 or up to 14 bar and up to 95°C
  • Fast and efficient cleaning due to less manual handling
  • Mobile along the production line or permanently integrated into the production process.
  • Autonomous thanks to the integrated 60-litre tank
  • Easy connection to the building's water and power supply system
  • Possibility of adding alkaline detergents for more intensive cleaning
  • Water recycling for better protection of health and the environment



  • Gentle and efficient cleaning even of nano-coated surfaces
  • Contamination from solids, oils, etc. at temperatures of up to 95°C is cleaned off quickly and easily; with cold cleaning agents, this is only possible with great effort and time
  • As a rule, 80% less cleaning time by spray cleaning with hot water compared to cold wash tables or cold cleaning agents
  • Up to 95% less chemicals and water consumption
  • No splashback, no aerosols, therefore unproblematic use inside the workshop
  • Devices can be used universally for various other applications
  • Forgoing chemicals protects health of employees, the environment, and saves costs
  • Economics: Low investment, hardly any running costs, excellent quality, and significant time savings
Cleaning electrostatic precipitators (ESP)


Electrostatic precipitator systems are used to clean solid and liquid particles from the exhaust air of cooling lubricant or oil-bearing machine tools by means of high voltage. This in turn serves

  • to protect employees and the environment as well as
  • to ensure cleanliness in production, i.e. as a showcase for the company.

In order to maintain the value of the machine tool and to ensure its proper functioning, manufac­turers recommend thorough cleaning at intervals depending on the level of contamination, typically every 4 - 12 weeks. Therefore, a fast, cost-efficient, effective and damage-free cleaning of the pre-filters and after-filters, the ionizers and collectors is required, without damaging sensitive parts such as the tungsten wires of the ionizers.

Cleaning an electrostat in parts cleaning level of 1000 SR
Cleaning an electrostat in parts cleaning level of 1000 SR


High-pressure cleaners would damage the collector plates and the tungsten wires of the ionizers. Correspondingly large ultrasonic systems based on the flooding principle, on the other hand, are extremely cost-intensive. Neither of these systems can usually be used on site, i.e. on the machines; rather, the electrostats have to be removed and shipped to a service provider or taken to a washroom and cleaned there.



In contrast, the low-pressure hot cleaning process of ph-cleantec offers a cost-efficient and effective alternative: Electrostats can be removed and cleaned directly on site in the parts cleaning level of the SR units.

Due to the high temperatures of up to 95°C, oils are easily dissolved and particles are effortlessly transported away thanks to the low pressure, without causing any damage.

This saves time by eliminating assembly and travel times, and is efficient because the electrostatics can be reinstalled directly instead of being sent in and/or centrally cleaned.

Even hard-to-reach places can be easily attained; equally, sensitive elements such as the tungsten filaments can be cleaned without damage and usually without the use of chemicals.

Electrostat in parts cleaning level of 1000 SR - uncleaned
Electrostat in parts cleaning level of 1000 SR - uncleaned


  • Efficiency/quality: Fast and thorough cleaning especially of the oily contaminations due to the high working temperature up to 95°C. With our electrostatic nozzle SR-ES easy cleaning between the plates.
  • No damages: Thanks to the low pressure, even delicate parts such as the tungsten filaments in the electrostats can be cleaned.
  • Mobility: Devices are self-sufficient and can be moved from machine tool to machine tool and thus from filter to filter within the workshop.
  • Occupational safety and environmental protection/chemicals: Very few chemicals, if any, are required; this protects the environment, increases occupational safety and reduces costs.
  • Cost-effectiveness: Significantly less time spent cleaning, transporting and reloading; less chemicals; depending on the type and number of filters, even on a full-cost basis cheaper than third-party suppliers.
    You want to run the numbers for your company? Then please go to the amortization calculator on our website.
  • Universal applicability of the hot cleaning devices: Also for machine and parts cleaning.
Electrostat - preliminarily cleaned 2 minutes later
Electrostat - preliminarily cleaned 2 minutes later


  • Video Parts cleaning on our website which includes cleaning of electrostats.
Cleaning spindles (in machine tools)


Due to their special geometry and partly already mounted electric motors or driving elements, spindles place very special demands on the cleaning technology. In addition, they can be damaged relatively easily due to the high precision required on the one hand and the complexity of the design and the electrical components on the other.

The drive spindle (main spindle or counter spindle) for machine tools shown here is used for turning workpieces or milling with tools, and must work with the highest precision, often in the micron range.

The manufacture of spindles, but also the repair or retrofitting of spindles, therefore requires a high level of specialist knowledge and extreme craftsmanship, but also places the highest demands on cleaning technology.

On the one hand, extremely complex surfaces must be cleaned of hydraulic oils quickly and efficiently, and on the other hand, the parts must not be damaged under any circumstances.

Lengthy and time-consuming disassembly should be avoided at all costs, especially as individual parts can be damaged in the process.

Drive spindle in parts cleaning level of a 1000 SR
Drive spindle in parts cleaning level of a 1000 SR


Conventional cleaning methods such as ultrasonic baths or washing machines require the electric motor to be dismantled and the spindle and electric motor to be coded as a single assembly, which is highly labour-intensive and error-prone.

The necessary cleanliness of both the spindles and the spindle counter-bearings is often not achieved, and even with manual (re-)cleaning, only with difficulty and after several attempts.


The low-pressure hot cleaning method achieves optimum results in practice when cleaning spindles, spindle counter bearings and spindle threads.

These are cleaned effortlessly and perfectly in a fraction of the time otherwise required. Tedious disassembly and coding processes of the e-motors are normally no longer necessary.

Spindles can be cleaned in the parts cleaning area of the SR family devices without disassembling the electric motors.

Despite their difficult accessibility, spindle threads and spindle bearings can be easily reached using the lances and cleaned directly on the machine tool. The bearings are not washed out.

Spindle tooling machine, spindle machine tool, spindle uncleaned, UKF
Spindle of machine tool, by UKF, uncleaned

This makes low-pressure hot cleaning a much more efficient and faster method than ultrasonic baths or washing machines, as well as being significantly more cost-effective.

Thanks to their tank and their mobility, the ph-cleantec devices can be used directly in production; travel and reloading times to the washing room are thus considerably reduced or eliminated; even the spinning gears can be reached and cleaned.

If necessary, alkaline cleaners with corrosion protection can be used.

It hardly needs mentioning that “simple” spindles can of course also be cleaned without any problems.


  • Efficiency/quality: Excellent results on spindles, spindle counter bearings and spindle aisles - the former are cleaned in parts cleaning level, the latter in situ and with the help of lances, both with devices such as the 1000 SR or the 1500 SR.
  • Working time: Fast cleaning of the spindle itself, no disassembly necessary.
  • Mobility and flexibility: Devices can be moved up to the machine tool, so that cleaning of the parts can take place directly on site - no walking and reloading times, no lengthy dismantling.
  • Process reliability: No damage to spindles thanks to low pressure, no washing out of bearings.
  • Alkaline cleaners: Can be added if required, with corrosion protection if necessary.
  • Environment and health: All in all, no/very few chemicals, therefore environment- and health-friendly, as well as cost-effective.
  • Universal use of the devices: ph-cleantec devices can also be used for cleaning the entire machine tool with its own coolant or other parts.
  • Economic efficiency: Low investment, hardly any operating costs, high efficiency and quality.
Spindle tooling machine, spindle machine tool, spindle uncleaned
Spindle in machine tool, uncleaned - cleaning is easy even without lengthy dismantling
Spindle cleaning, spindle, smoke detector system, with electric motor
Spindles with electric motors generally require disassembly and separate coding
Cleaning hydraulic blocks
Cleaning of hydraulic blocks


Hydraulic blocks are used in a variety of applications. Cleaning the often complex blocks is a particular challenge, as the hydraulic oils as well as all dirt and dust residues in the complete block must be removed, but at the same time accessibility is not given, especially for conventional cleaning methods.


With the help of low-pressure hot cleaning, dust- and grease-free cleaning is easily possible even without aggressive cleaners.

Thanks to a wide range of spray tools and nozzles, even deep passages and channels can be cleaned very well. With the help of blind hole nozzles, even the bottom of deep blind holes can be reached and cleaned, and with flexible nozzles it is even possible to clean “around the corner”. Due to the low pressure, the contamination is rinsed out completely and without any problems.

In this way, low-pressure hot cleaning meets the high cleanliness requirements of the hydraulics industry with regard to residual dirt and solid particles.

Further advantages include low water consumption, which reduces costs in terms of water, but also of chemicals that may be added; moreover, the cleaning medium can be re-circulated, and residual oils separated in the special collectors of the SR units. Therefore, no separate washing station with oil separator is required.

hydraulic, hydraulic parts, hydraulic cylinder, hydraulic systems, clean, wash, clean oil
Hydraulic cylinder - inside cleaned with low pressure hot cleaning system

The size and weight of the hydraulic blocks are also not a particular limitation, as would be the case with ultrasonic baths or washing machines. When using a large floor collector, the hot cleaning system is also suitable for large and heavy hydraulic blocks, as shown in the following video.

In fact, the low-pressure hot cleaning process is ideal for cleaning hydraulic parts in the broadest sense, simply because grease and oil can be ideally cleaned with 95°C hot water and ideally removed with low pressure.

In practice, however, an alkaline cleaner with corrosion protection is usually added to prevent corrosion of the blocks. The workpiece can then be treated with a protective oil.

Typical applications range from hydraulic blocks and hydraulic cylinders to hydraulic presses, with a wide variety of applications in industry as well as in the field of cars and commercial vehicles.


  • Efficiency/quality: Fast and thorough cleaning, especially of oily contaminants, due to the high working temperature of up to 95°C.
  • With the right nozzles, problem-free cleaning is possible even inside the block, see also application report on cleaning complex castings.
  • No damage to the hydraulic parts
  • No size or weight restrictions
  • Mobility: Cleaning on site - the units are mobile and generally self-sufficient - saves assembly, travel and reloading times.
  • Occupational safety and environmental protection/chemicals: Only very limited amount of chemicals is needed, if any; this protects the environment, increases occupational safety and reduces costs.
  • The hot cleaning units can be used universally, e.g. for maintenance and servicing or for cleaning machines and parts.
  • Also ideal for other hydraulic parts.
  • Overall: Comparatively low investment and hardly any running costs, but high efficiency and top quality.
Cleaning hydraulic parts and cable harnesses on a harvester land machine
Cleaning of sensitive parts - here cable harnesses on a Harvester - or of hydraulic parts is possible without dismantling.
Cleaning the insides of tubes and shafts


Tubes and shafts or generally workpieces with the need for degreasing before further processing are manufactured from diverse materials and in all conceivable dimensions.

Especially for units with slim internal diameters or large lengths, cleaning the inside of the body is a challenging task.

In practice, it is usually important to remove chips, oils and cooling lubricants as well as drawing grease from the machining process without leaving any residue. After cleaning, the workpieces are either measured, mounted or surface treated.

Cleaning the inside of a deep blind hole in a shaft using low pressure hot cleaning process
Cleaning the inside of a deep blind hole in a shaft


Usually, such workpieces are cleaned with a high-pressure cleaner or with chemicals containing solvents. Both techniques are considered unreliable and not suitable for the workshop. The high-pressure cleaner also requires special environmental conditions and the process as such is definitely not resource-efficient.

Cleaning the inside of a deep blind hole in a shaft using low pressure hot cleaning process
Cleaning the inside of a deep blind hole in a shaft - detail


The low-pressure hot cleaning process of the ph-cleantec offers an efficient and at the same time cost-effective alternative. The low pressure of between 3 and 7.5 or 3 and 14 bar is sufficient to flush out tubes and shafts without any problems. Due to the high temperatures of up to 95°C, contamination even in internal threads is dissolved and transported away.

Nothing is damaged and the process can be used in the workshop without harming people or the environment. In most cases, there is no need for (expensive and environmentally harmful) chemicals, as the cleaning effect is achieved through the high temperatures.

With normal lances, tubes up to 2m long can be cleaned internally, with telescopic lances even up to 7m long pipes can be cleaned from one side; if cleaning can be done from both ends, the range is doubled.

Cleaning the outside of a heavily contaminated glass tube - before
Cleaning the outside of a heavily contaminated glass tube - before

Of course, the method is also suitable for the external cleaning of shafts and pipes. Here, the units of our 2000 series are often used, which have sufficient flushing capacity to clean pipes and shafts with three nozzles of 120° each.

Cleaning the inside of a glass tube
Cleaning the inside of the glass tube 1 minute later - finishing touches


  • Efficiency/quality: Fast and thorough cleaning, especially of greasy and oily dirt. With the right spray accessories, also problem-free cleaning of long pipes - with telescopic lance up to 14m. Simultaneous cleaning inside and outside possible without any problems.
  • Automation: Easy integration into semi- or fully-automated production processes.
  • No damage: No damage to sensitive parts thanks to low pressure.
  • Mobility: Cleaning on site - units are mobile and generally self-sufficient.
  • Occupational safety and environmental protection, chemicals: No or very low usage of chemicals required; this protects the environment, increases occupational safety and reduces costs.
  • Universal applicability of the hot cleaning units: Devices can be used for maintenance and servicing or for cleaning machines and parts.
  • Economics: Significantly less cleaning time, no or hardly any chemicals.

Overall: Comparatively low investment and hardly any running costs, but high efficiency and excellent quality.

Cleaning of retarder sharfts


Retarder shafts or, more generally, workpieces requiring degreasing before further processing are made of various materials and in all conceivable dimensions.

Especially for units with slim inner diameters or large lengths, cleaning the inside of the body is a highly challenging task.

Cleaning of retarder shafts, tempering oil
Retarder shafts with termpering oil


In this specific application, retarder shafts were produced on a contract basis. The manufacturing process of these shafts included, after the actual machining, a tempering in oil as well as a downstream blasting with steel balls. The tempering oil hardened when the shaft cooled down and bonded blasting material to it, especially in the internal thread of the hollow taper.

Further cleaning was not carried out, as all the methods tested so far - cold wash table, washing machine, ultrasound - had not produced satisfactory results.

This led to very costly complaints and, in individual cases, to the return of entire semi-trailers full of goods. This problem is completely "off the table" with the introduction of our technology.


The low-pressure hot cleaning process of ph-cleantec was the efficient and at the same time cost-effective solution. The high temperatures of up to 95°C dissolved the tempering oil. With the low pressure, the tempering oil as well as the steel balls were removed without any problems.

Nothing is damaged in the process, and the procedure can be used inside the workshop without harming people or the environment.

In a further step, the low-pressure hot cleaning was automated and integrated into the production process.

The process was thus a very efficient and cost-saving solution that was also environmentally and health-friendly. The risk of complaints was practically eliminated.

Händische Innenreinigung eines Sacklochs in einer Retarderwelle – der Prozessschritt kann auch automatisiert werden


  • Efficiency/quality: Fast and thorough cleaning of the tempering oil in specific cases or of greasy and oily contamination in general. With the right spray accessories, even cleaning inside a component is possible without problems.
  • Automation: Easy integration into semi- or fully-automated production processes.
  • No damage: No damage to sensitive parts thanks to low pressure.
  • Mobility: On-site cleaning – devices are mobile and self-sufficient.
  • Occupational safety and environmental protection, chemicals: No or very little chemicals are required; this protects the environment, increases occupational safety and reduces costs.
  • Universal applicability of the hot cleaning devices: These can be used for maintenance and servicing or for cleaning machines and parts.
  • Economics: Significantly less cleaning time, no or hardly any chemicals.
  • Overall: Comparatively low investment and hardly any running costs, but high efficiency and excellent quality.


  • Application report Complex castings (internal cleaning)
  • Application report Tubes and shafts Wellen
  • Application report Bore holes
  • Video Lüttge Brass instruments (trumpet)
Cleaning complex castings with cavities


Castings are made from a wide range of materials and in all conceivable sizes. Especially in the case of smaller units, accessibility to the inside of the body for cleaning is not readily feasible.

In these instances it is usually a matter of cleaning off fine chips from the machining process, including oil / cooling lubricant and the so-called casting sand.



Typically, compressed air is used in the hope of completely blowing out contaminants, or ultrasonic cleaning technology is used in suitably sized baths. Both alternative techniques are not considered reliable and are rather an attempt by the user to minimise complaints.


With the low-pressure hot cleaning method, excellent results are achieved in practice even when cleaning complex cast bodies. These can be ideally cleaned in the parts cleaning level of the devices of the SR family. Even hollows and interior spaces can be reached and rinsed out with the help of various nozzles, such as the flexible nozzle (see accessories), despite the difficult accessibility.

Compared to ultrasonic baths or washing machines, low-pressure hot cleaning is therefore a much more efficient and faster process that is also significantly more cost-effective. Thanks to the low pressure of up to 7.5 or 14 bar, damage-free cleaning is possible without any problems, even on sensitive components.

If necessary, alkaline cleaners with corrosion protection may be added.

In this particular application, tests were carried out at the customer's site, using cast bodies covered with a Makrolon sheet. Cleaning was demonstrated using a flexible nozzle SR-FX in the cavities of the cast body.


  • Efficiency: Contaminants are softened at up to 95°C and removed with minimal pressure.
  • Time saving: This results in considerably shorter processing times and higher cleaning quality.
  • Quality: Thanks to the flexible nozzle, even hard-to-reach areas, in this case even cavities, can be easily attained.
  • Medium: Cleaning with water, if necessary with the addition of approx. 3% alkaline cleaner, or deionised water.
  • Environment/chemistry: Therefore minimal use of chemicals, thus environmentally friendly and cost-saving.
  • No damage to the workpiece, no rust formation.
  • Increased safety at work: No risk of injury, no/low use of chemicals.
  • Easy handling motivates employees.
  • Economics: Low investment, low operating costs, high efficiency, and top quality.
Automated parts cleaning and parts cleaning with robots


In some processes, our equipment can be integrated into the process chain semi- or fully automatically. This is successfully used, for example, in the production of solar elements, flanges, connecting rods and in pipe cleaning, where robots are also used in some cases.

Tubes, for example, can be cleaned very effectively with the aid of a nozzle ring and a device from the 2000 series, which achieves a correspondingly high throughput.

The requirement for a high degree of automation in industrial parts cleaning does not necessarily imply the use of complex cleaning systems with high investments – in some cases it can also be realized in quite simple ways.


ph-cleantec provides solutions that fulfill a high degree of automation while making do with little space.

The proposed technology is based on our low-pressure hot cleaning equipment. The high cleaning performance of the systems is achieved by hot water with a temperature of up to 95°C and a pressure of up to 7.5 or up to 14 bar. The output can be distributed to several nozzles and thus reduced to approx. 3 bar per nozzle. This low pressure ensures that there is no damage to the workpieces, and that there are no splashback effects, so that the system does not require any special housing.

Automated parts cleaning
Simple parts cleaning system on the basis of low pressure hot cleaning technology

The components can be brought to the cleaning station via simple transport systems and, after cleaning, move on to the next processing steps. Depending on the geometry of the parts, the actual cleaning cell can be very compact.  

In a specific case, where connecting rods had to be cleaned in a series production, our unit was converted for continuous operation. The spray guns were replaced by ring nozzles actuated by a slow solenoid valve. The cooling lubricant of the machine tool was used for cleaning. This was circulated, with correspondingly optimum lubrication and corrosion protection properties and minimal costs for procurement and disposal.

Integration into the automation system was achieved by means of a simple control technology, whereby the cleaning device was integrated into the control technology of the system.


Alternatively, a robot can handle the parts or the nozzles. In this case, the robot can work in a dry cell which is connected to an adjacent wet cell via a revolving door or similar device. The actual parts cleaning takes place in the wet cell with a ph-cleantec device, e.g. a 1000 SR.

The parts are placed by the robot on a turntable, rotated through the revolving door under the spray jet, and turned back again after cleaning and cleared away. In such a set-up even robots that do not meet the IP65 requirements can be used.

The cleaning technology can therefore be integrated into existing automation systems with minimal effort.

The process water can be treated using our special sedimentation process and recirculated.

Automated parts cleaning with robot in SRS collector
Automated parts cleaning with robot in SRS collector


  • Efficiency/quality: Fast and thorough cleaning. With the right spray accessories, in combination with a robot if necessary, problem-free cleaning even of complex surfaces.
  • No damage: Thanks to low pressure, no damage to sensitive parts.
  • Extremely flexible thanks to various nozzles; can be used for all types and sizes of (metal) components.
  • Simple conception ensures manageable investment with shortest realization time.
  • Space-saving system that can be easily integrated into existing layouts.
  • Full integration into existing parts transport system.
  • Cleaning of parts also possible with cooling lubricant from the machine tool - thus optimum lubrication and corrosion protection properties.
  • No splashback, no clouds of droplets, no aerosols; expensive housing can thus be avoided.
  • Occupational safety and environmental protection, chemicals: Little or no chemicals required; this protects the environment, increases occupational safety and reduces costs.
  • Recycling of process water via special sedimentation process and waste water filtration.
  • Overall: Extremely low investment and hardly any running costs, but high efficiency and quality.


The video cleaning with robots shows how such systems could work in practice.

Parts cleaning with robots

Cleaning of brass components


In this specific case, electrical connection parts made of brass, which are produced by machine tools with cutting oil cooled technology, had to be cleaned.

Large quantities - approx. 500-3500 pieces per shift - and different part sizes - L = 10-100mm, Ø = 2-50mm - had to be cleaned.



In continuous production, the workpieces are cleaned by hand in boxes next to the machine tools using petroleum and then blown off with compressed air.


With the help of low-pressure hot cleaning, the workpieces could be cleaned easily and considerably faster. Because of the high temperatures - up to 95°C - drying is much faster, so that (expensive) compressed air is saved. Thanks to the low pressure - up to 7.5 or up to 14 bar - the parts are not damaged.

In particular, expensive solvents that are harmful to health and the environment could be dispensed with.

In this particular case, no limescale stains remained on the surface. This could be solved, if necessary, with a stainless steel unit in which deionised water is used.

All in all, this resulted in a considerably faster and more cost-effective process, which also protects people and the environment.



  • Quality: Unimpeachable quality, no damage, no rejects.
  • Efficiency: Significantly faster than manual cleaning (previous method).
  • Environment/health/work safety/chemistry: No chemicals, therefore environment- and health-friendly, higher work safety, and significantly lower costs for working time and chemicals.
  • Compressed air: Significant savings on compressed air.
  • Universally applicable device: Ideal for parts cleaning, machine cleaning, automation.
  • Economics: Low investment, low running costs, significant cost savings, and top quality.
Cleaning highly polished components - Example: Large visible parts in an elevantor


Highly polished workpieces must be free of grease after engraving in order to be painted in a further step.

In the application, visible parts had to be cleaned that were integrated in a lift and in the operating surface.


Cleaning of highly polished components
Particularly difficult to clean as even soft rags may leave scratches: Highly polished components


In the particular application, it was almost impossible to clean the components because they were too large for ultra-sonic baths or clear rinsing baths; these methods were therefore not viable from a financial point of view.

Consequently, manual cleaning with rags was used. However, scratch-free cleaning was a particular challenge, as even soft rags left scratch marks.



ph-cleantec recommended a modified 1000 SRE with a separate rinsing system.

The actual cleaning is done with alkaline cleaner and deionised water. The addition of alkaline cleaner reduces the aggressiveness of the deionised water; thus, a normal 1000 SRE could be specified instead of a stainless steel unit.

In a second step, the degreased area is rinsed clear with deionised water. This removes residues on the surfaces that cannot be removed later. This additional rinsing process thus generates a residue-free surface. The components can then be wet painted and installed.



  • Efficiency/quality: Low-pressure hot cleaning technology offers an ideal and efficient solution even for large components, saving time and avoiding rejects.
  • Flexibility: Maximum flexibility with regard to quantities and sizes - no restriction to the dimensions of washing machines or ultrasonic baths.
  • Cost-effectiveness: Until now, our customers were reluctant to sell highly polished versions because production and maintenance of the components were extremely costly and all residues were immediately visible. Since the introduction of our technology, this area has been highly profitable.
  • All in all: Low investment, hardly any running costs, but high efficiency and perfect quality.
Glass bead residue prior to further coating


In the production of parts, components are often blasted with glass beads before coating in order to achieve optimum surface preparation with regard to adhesion and cleanliness.

In some cases, the glass bead residues adhere very strongly to the blasted parts and are difficult to remove. Especially in uncovered threaded holes and undercuts, glass bead residues can accumulate. If, for example, threads that are still contaminated with residues are then coated, the threads can no longer be used due to the residues trapped under the coating. The parts must be reworked or disposed of as rejects.


Previously, attempts were made to remove the residues by immersing the components in a solvent-containing liquid and then blowing out the parts with compressed air. This was only partially successful and led to relatively high reject rates.


Our devices work with low pressure - up to 7.5 or up to 14 bar - and high temperatures. With our nozzles, even hard-to-reach places can be cleaned easily and in the shortest time.

Usually cleaning is done manually as shown on the right, but it is also very easy to integrate our devices into automated processes, see separate application report on Automation.


Cleaning of glass bead residues prior to further coating
Cleaning off glass bead residue in parts cleaning level of 1000 SR


  • Time saving/efficiency: Deposits on components can be removed from the components without residues and in the shortest possible time by using hot water. Time saving is often 80-90%.
  • Quality: Even hard-to-reach places can be easily reached by using various spray tools (see accessories).
  • Occupational safety and environmental protection/chemistry/costs: Use of harmful and expensive solvents is eliminated; therefore considerable cost reduction, and the entire disposal issue is avoided.
  • Environmental protection/resources: Uses considerably less resources, including small amounts of water instead of large amounts of solvents. Process water can be recirculated for weeks, therefore also reduced waste water disposal.
  • Mobility: Equipment is mobile, so cleaning directly "on site" is possible without any problems. This saves travel and reloading times.
  • Efficiency: High temperature of up to 95°C contributes to fast drying of the workpieces.
  • Additives: With suitable cleaners, the process can be used for iron phosphating and provides better corrosion protection through iron ions.
  • Investment: Significantly lower investment costs compared to other processes.
  • Universal usage of the hot cleaning devices: Also ideal for machine and parts cleaning in general.
  • Economics: Efficient work, significant time savings and top quality, at the same time low investment and hardly any running costs.



Coating is usually the last production step before packaging and selling. If the almost finished workpieces have to be sorted out - after almost all other work steps such as (injection) moulding, turning, milling, threading etc. have already been carried out - this is highly undesirable and associated with comparatively high costs.

Therefore, our technology pays for itself within a very short time: Assuming scrap costs of only € 50 per part, a 1000 SR machine pays for itself after 130-150 parts less scrap.

Feel free to run a more precise calculation for your company numbers with the help of our amortisation calculator.


Degreasing of components prior to powder coating or wet painting


For purposes of component degreasing prior to powder coating or wet painting, particularly high requirements for surface cleanliness apply, typically 40 - 42 mN/m (millinewton meters / meter). This also extends to corners and bores, and applies to larger and heavier parts as well as small and delicate parts.

In recent years, environmental and health protection and occupational safety have also come to the fore.

Of course, the process must also be reliable and cost-effective in operation, and finally, the initial investment must remain within budget.


Degreasing in special washroom: High pressure and lots of chemistry
Classic degreasing in special washroom: High pressure and lots of chemistry


Large series are usually first degreased in immersion baths, then phosphated, and then dried with compressed air or hot air, often as part of fully automated processes.

For small series, on the other hand, this effort is not always worthwhile, and in these cases degreasing, phosphating and drying are usually done by hand. For degreasing, high-pressure cleaners are normally used with the appropriate chemicals, and this is carried out in special (and expensive) washrooms, oftentimes with appropriate protective equipment (protective suits).



With the aid of low-pressure hot cleaning, both small and large workpieces can be ideally degreased in a process-safe manner. Small parts weighing up to 80 kg can be cleaned in the parts cleaning level (on-top collector) of a 1000 SR or 1500 SR, larger parts (up to 1 t per m²) in correspondingly large special collectors.

The low pressure of 3-7.5 or 3-14 bar is sufficient to remove contaminants, while the high temperatures of up to 95°C are ideal for dissolving grease.

Extensive tests at customer sites have shown that cleaning with deionized water already produces optimum results. All tests such as the cross-cut test, salt spray test and drop test were passed without any problems.

By adding appropriate cleaners with temporary corrosion protection, phosphating can also be dispensed with, thus eliminating an entire process step and significantly reducing working time, chemical consumption and process risks.

In addition, the parts are heated by the hot cleaning process, so that drying can be reduced to blowing off moisture along the bottom edges, especially for smaller and flat parts. Large parts of the surfaces dry "on their own". Again this saves working time as well as (expensive) compressed air.

Components degreasing
Degreasing of large component with low-pressure hot cleaning process on large collector. With the appropriate chemistry, phosphating can be dispensed with. In addition, large portions of the surface dry due to high working temperature.

As a result, three work steps - degreasing, phosphating and drying - are reduced to (more or less) one process step. Our customers regard this as a major competitive advantage for small series.

There are also considerable savings in chemicals: depending on the model, low-pressure hot cleaning devices have a throughput of up to 1.8 liters/minute (1000 series) or up to 2.8 liters/minute (1500 series), while high-pressure cleaners have a throughput of at least 20-30 liters/minute. To achieve the same concentration, the high-pressure cleaner thus requires at least 10 times the amount of chemicals. In addition, the cleaning medium can be re-circulated in low-pressure hot cleaning equipment, whereas this is often not the case with high-pressure cleaners. If the cleaning medium is circulated only 10 times, a high-pressure cleaner requires 100 times as much chemical as a low-pressure hot cleaning device - a massive saving given today's costs for chemical!

In addition, the ph-cleantec process is not only extremely cost-effective, but also particularly environment- and health-friendly.



  • Efficiency: Fast and reliable degreasing even of complex surfaces, corners and edges, bores, etc.
  • Process reliability: All tests, such as drop test, salt spray test, cross-cut test, are passed without any problems.
  • Working time: Fast and efficient degreasing. With the right cleaning agent, phosphating can be dispensed with - this saves working time and chemicals, and increases process reliability.
  • Working time: WIth hot cleaning, large areas dry by themselves. Therefore, often only corners and lower edges have to be dried - this saves working time and compressed air.
  • The result is three steps - degreasing, phosphating, and drying - in (almost) one!
  • No damage to sensitive parts thanks to low pressure
  • Highly flexible and suitable for all types and sizes of parts thanks to various nozzles.
  • Low investment, especially for smaller parts; no need for separate washroom with corresponding underground systems. Minimal space requirements.
  • No splash-back, no clouds of droplets, no aerosols.
  • Occupational safety and environmental protection, chemicals: Little or no chemicals required; these can be recycled; this protects the environment, increases occupational safety and reduces costs.
  • In summary: Comparatively ow investment and (significantly) low(er) running costs for chemistry and working time, yet high efficiency and process reliability.



Technical article Degreasing before powder coating.

Video component degreasing.

Amortization calculator.

Cleaning driving motors

A film says more than a 1000 words...



CLeaning small fire arms


Handguns consist of several components and need to be disassembled for cleaning. In the cleaning process mainly oil residues from preservation, residues of propellants, environmental dirt and the like need to be removed.

The geometries of the individual components are so complex and intricate that the weapon operator can only clean the components superficially using normal techniques. Especially for weapon overhauls in the police and armed forces, a professional and complete cleaning of the entire weapon is required. In this process, all weapon parts are examined for their suitability for use, wear, micro-fractures, etc.

Weapon components must of course also be cleaned during manufacture, for example barrels after honing.



At a police headquarters in southern Germany, a low-pressure hot cleaning device is used to cover all cleaning needs that were previously covered by a cold cleaning washstand.

In the specific case, the aspect of cleaning "in the most impossible places" was valued very highly. For example, the inside of a magazine shaft is cleaned through firmly mounted springs. Even in places that are very difficult to access, such as the central mechanism in the grip, our technology achieves extremely good results.

The rapid drying of the parts due to the temperature applied, as well as the temporary corrosion protection provided by the cleaning agents used, were also judged to be very positive.

In contrast to the cold wash table used previously, there is no need to work with solvents containing VOCs. This significantly increases occupational safety, reduces health risks, and is clearly more sustainable than the cold wash tables used before.


pistol, hand gun, cleaning
manual cleaning of a pistol - taken apart


  • Efficiency/quality: Due to high temperature and appropriate spray tools (nozzles), fast and thorough cleaning of even the "most impossible places".
  • Fast drying of the individual parts or assemblies due to the high temperature.
  • No damage to sensitive components.
  • Cleaning inside the workshop is no problem: No aerosols, no VOC’s, no clouds of droplets, no splashback effects.
  • Devices are mobile and generally self-sufficient.
  • Occupational safety and environmental protection, chemicals: Only a small amount of chemicals is needed for temporary corrosion protection; this protects the environment, increases occupational safety and reduces costs.
  • Hardly any waste water: Industrial water can be used in the cycle for up to 3 weeks. This saves chemicals and disposal costs.
  • The hot cleaning units can be used universally, e.g. for maintenance and servicing or for cleaning machines and parts.
  • Cost-effectiveness: Significantly less cleaning time; fewer chemicals and less waste water.
  • Overall: Comparatively low investment and hardly any running costs, but high efficiency and top quality.
CLeaning glue combs


In the production of wooden trusses - which are mainly used as a static and visual element in building projects - a number of wooden boards are provided with a profile on their upper and lower sides and then glued together.

Wood glue is applied to the profile with the help of so-called glue combs, then hardener is applied with a hardener comb of comparable geometry. The tines of the glue combs apply the glue in very precise doses. The individual boards are then placed on top of each other by machine and pressed together. These combs are made of V4A stainless steel.

During production, the glue and hardener combs must be cleaned regularly, as they become clogged with drying residue (see left-hand area of the picture below) and can no longer apply the glue evenly and in an exact position.


Cleaning of glue combs
Glue comb, left uncleaned with residue of dried adhesive


So far, and in the absence of alternatives, the glue and hardener combs are cleaned either purely mechanically or with a high-pressure cleaner. Both cleaning methods frequently entail deformation of the tines. The resulting alignment effort leads to substantial time delays, and the glue heads need to be exchanged regularly.

Due to the low pressure and high temperatures, ph-cleantec was able to achieve excellent cleaning results very fast, and without damaging the tines. This was achieved using a 1000 SR and the cleaner 2022 HDF. The glue combs could therefore be made available again for production much more quickly. Both the glue and the hardener are acidic media that can be neutralised with the 2022 HDF.



  • Efficiency/quality: Much faster and very thorough cleaning of the glue combs, tines and nozzles. The high temperature of up to 95°C helps to liquefy the glue and hardener residues and thus to wash these off easily.
  • Nonetheless, no damage to the tines due to low pressure
  • High temperature contributes to very fast drying of the workpieces.
  • Mobility: Cleaning on site - the devices are mobile and self-sufficient - saves assembly, travel and reloading times.
  • Occupational safety and environmental protection/chemicals: Only very limited amounts of chemicals are needed; this protects the environment, increases occupational safety and reduces costs.
  • The waste water situation is considerably alleviated, as process water can be used in the cycle for up to 3 weeks. This saves chemicals and disposal costs.
  • The hot cleaning devices can be used universally, e.g. for maintenance and servicing or for cleaning machines and parts.
  • Cost-effectiveness: Significantly less working time for cleaning, as well as assembly, travel and reloading times; fewer chemicals and less waste water.
  • Overall: Comparatively low investment and hardly any running costs, but high efficiency and top quality.


CLeaning music instruments (trumpets)


Brass instruments are highly sensitive and are therefore cleaned almost exclusively by hand in a laborious and lengthy process. The various individual parts such as the valves and valve slides, mouthpiece and leadpipe, as well as all the curved parts such as the tuning slide, present particular challenges. Damage must be avoided at all costs.


Trumpet cleaning
Trumpet – very complex set-up, and very difficult to clean


The low-pressure hot cleaning process of ph-cleantec offers an excellent and highly cost-effective alternative. The low pressure of between 3 and 7.5 or 3 and 14 bar is sufficient to rinse even curved parts without any problems. The high temperatures of up to 95°C loosen and remove contamination.

With special nozzles such as the flexible nozzle or the needle nozzle, even interiors can be perfectly cleaned. Importantly, cleaning only takes a fraction of the time used when manual cleaning manually.

Equally important: Nothing is damaged and the process can take place inside the workshop without harming people or the environment. In addition, there is no need for (expensive and environmentally harmful) chemicals, as the cleaning effect is achieved through the high temperature.

The best way to see this for yourself is to watch the video of Lüttke Blasinstrumente in Volkerts­haus:


  • Efficiency/quality: Fast and thorough cleaning. With the right spray accessories, also easy cleaning of valves, curved parts, internal parts, etc.
  • No damage: No damage to sensitive parts due to low pressure.
  • Extremely flexible thanks to various nozzles; can be used for all types and sizes of brass wind instruments.
  • Mobility: Cleaning inside the workshop – devices are mobile and self-sufficient, no major splash-back effects, clouds of droplets, aerosols, etc.
  • Occupational safety and environmental protection, chemicals: No chemicals required; this protects the environment, increases occupational safety and reduces costs.
  • Universal use of the hot cleaning devices: These can also be used for e.g. maintenance and servicing of other machines and equipment.
  • Economics: Significantly time savings on cleaning, and no or hardly any chemicals.


CLeaning filters


A large number of filters are used in industry for a wide variety of applications: air filters, oil filters and hydraulic oil filters, grease filters, soot filters, mesh filters, expanded metal filters, electrostatic filters, fabric filters, baffle separators, lamella separators, demisters and stainless steel demisters, expanded metal mesh filters, and other filters up to and including air conditioning systems.

What they all have in common is that cleaning is often particularly challenging thanks to the complex and sometimes delicate surfaces on the one hand, and the usually very oily and stubborn deposits on the other.

Washing machines often do not reach the inner zones, and high-pressure cleaners would destroy the filigree surfaces. Many companies therefore outsource this task to third parties.


Conical filter in parts cleaning plane of a 1000 SR.
Conical filter in parts cleaning plane of a 1000 SR. More time was spent photographing than cleaning, see video Filter Cleaning Partial Cleaning


The low-pressure hot cleaning devices by ph-cleantec are a perfect solution for cleaning filters contaminated with oils and dusts. The process is extremely fast and efficient:

Thanks to the high water temperature of up to 95°, oily contaminants are loosened particularly quickly and rinsed out and flushed away without any problems due to the low pressure of 7.5 to 14 bar, without damaging the filters. Splash-back effects are prevented by appropriate protective caps on the spray tool.

With the help of various nozzles, even demanding surfaces, e.g. the typical grids of the air filters, can be cleaned effortlessly. This also applies to sensitive components in the interior, such as the tungsten filaments of electrostats. Even quadruple-folded filters can be cleaned efficiently after soaking them briefly, if necessary with the addition of an alkaline cleaner.

Oil filter: Left crudely cleaned, right uncleaned
Oil filter: Left crudely cleaned, right uncleaned

Using the devices in the workshop is no problem: there are no clouds of droplets and no aerosols, neither staff nor the environment are affected.

Alkaline cleaning agents can be added, but then only small quantities are required, so that the costs for chemicals - if any - are kept within narrow limits.

The devices of the SR family are suitable for filter cleaning, combined with the corresponding nozzles. The units are mobile and self-sufficient, and are therefore ideal if the filters are distributed over a large workshop, such as air filters of air-conditioning systems or grease filters in production halls with several machine tools.



  • Efficiency/quality: Fast and thorough cleaning, due to the high working temperature of up to 95°C, especially for oily and dusty contaminations.
  • No damage: Thanks to the low pressure, even delicate parts such as the tungsten filaments in electrostats can be cleaned.
  • Mobility: Devices are self-sufficient and can be moved from machine to machine and thus from filter to filter within the workshop.
  • Environment/chemistry: Very few chemicals, if any, are needed; this protects the environment, increases occupational safety and reduces costs.
  • Cost-effectiveness: Significantly less working time for cleaning, as well as for travel and reloading times; less chemicals; depending on the type and number of filters, even on a full-cost basis cheaper than third-party suppliers.
  • You want to calculate this for your company? Then please go to the amortisation calculator on our website.
  • Overall: Comparatively low investment, hardly any running costs, high efficiency and top quality.


Grease filter in collector of 1000 SR  front full of oil and grease, back cleaned
Grease filter in collector of 1000 SR: front full of oil and grease, back cleaned


There are some excellent videos on our website - please click on the red "Video" button at the top right and watch the videos Parts Cleaning, Filter Cleaning, Grease Filter Cleaning and Filter Cleaning Parts Cleaning.


Precision mechanics - cleaning watches

under construction - system is widely used in Swiss watch making processes

© 2025 ph-cleantec GmbH