There are various applications in the shipping industry:
Marinas and shipyards can use ph-cleantec's hot cleaning equipment for cleaning private boats and ships, but also commercial trawlers and cutters. In particular, the very narrow interior spaces, the galley, the on-board toilets as well as the bilge, engine and engine compartment and the shafts can be ideally cleaned with our devices, as you can get into every crack with these devices, and very little water and usually no chemicals are required.
Harbour masters can lend the equipment to boat owners (for a fee), and shipyards can pre-clean and final clean the ships delivered to them.
In international shipping, i.e. for large vessels and tankers, the berthing times in the ports are a critical factor: Shorter berthing times lead to reduced port fees and more time on the high seas. Depending on the size of the vessel, this can add up to many thousands of euros per hour (!). By using ph-cleantec equipment, experience has shown that the time spent on cleaning engines, gears, shafts - in short, all moving and lubricated parts - can be reduced by 80-90%.
This opens up an enormous opportunity for service providers and shipyards that specialise in cleaning vessels and tankers by using ph-cleantec equipment: Companies carrying out a vessel cleaning job in 30 hours instead of 36 hours have an enormous competitive advantage: These companies can work considerably faster, thus securing orders, and still offer more expensive services because the shipowner saves several hours of laytime.