Cleaning other machines

Cleaning the milling cutter tools

In dry machining - especially of steels, forgings and castings - there is no cooling lubricant to clean the tools. There is a lot of contamination on the cutting edge geometry as well as on the insert seat, which has to be cleaned before the inserts can be changed.

Cleaning, milling cutter tools, cutting head, milling head, dry milling, dry-milling, dry cutting, dry-cutting, inserts
Milling head with inserts for dry milling

Previous technique

Normally, the tools are cleaned with a brush and cold wash table. Washing machines are usually out of the question because the cutting geometry is highly variable. In addition, the cutter heads - especially in large-scale machining - are of different sizes.

Advantages of the low-pressure hot cleaning technique

  • When using the brush, even stubborn dirt can be cleaned well. In addition, the brush dampens the splash-back effects.
  • High flexibility
  • Mobile
  • No aggressive cleaners
  • Universal cleaning unit

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